::: Curiosity & Courage :::
What is my vision for the large-scale change needed in my community and region?
Why do I believe I can help lead this change?
In Seed, I explain how I half-developed and half-stumbled upon the necessity to fuse transparency and discretion. Safety and protection balanced with openness and public collaboration.
This balance requires me to network with partners in my region while maintaining anonymity of those who sought safe haven at Earth Sanctuary.
Some partners were public, others remain private.
My vision is a double-edged curiosity. I explore one inquiry in Root. This companion post, Roots, explains the other inquiry.
What would it look like for me to provide hospitality and haven for key grassroot change makers on the Vanguard of such crucial planetary transition?
—— Cosmic Rays ——
Pursuing the threads of this question, I connected those who are looking for safe haven to those who are willing / able to provide temporary respite.
Primarily, this resulted in inviting people to stay at Mother Earth Sanctuary, coming up with a plan for their next steps, and then following through with this plan.
Sometimes, that looked like a hot meal, shower, laundry, and a single weekend.
Other times, it looked like a family in a camper stopping by for a quick dinner, then continuing on their way to their destination.
Sometimes, it was an extended stay until a new opportunity manifested.
Occasionally, someone would show up looking to day work to earn a ride home.
In all cases, I found my joy in providing hospitality, rest, and room for both work and play.
-— Nuclear Fission —-
Especially for those who stayed for an extended period of time (3 + months), our collective vision was to build safe and healthy communities that;
actively include children and the next several generations into the decision making process of everything we do;
ensure the healing experiences, ideas, and perspectives of survivors are at the core of our community;
engage in Earth building practices.
I intentionally connected together the networks I established over the years. People working in academia, small government, private business owners, artists, engineers, food growers, foragers, families, community advocates, the list goes on.
My personal and professional networks support an array of people across multiple sectors.
My goal was to create and Be a safe place for people in my community to connect, heal, and strengthen.
-- Stellar Nucleosynthesis --
Earth Sanctuary became my life work, and it continues to unfold in a lot of ways. It was formed through my own desire to heal myself, and then transformed into a passion to reinvigorate other people across the region.
In addition to hosting those who needed safe haven, I was also able to offer hospitality for change makers in my region.
Between Earth work, rest, and learning climate adaptation skills, I found fulfillment in rejuvenating the bodies and soul’s of people, and then sending them home with a passion and a plan to transform their patches of Earth.
Growing food, exchanging seeds, composting… these were all cathartic processes that bring personal healing while also providing for ourselves.
With no external funding, working solely on donations of food, building materials, gardening supplies, etc.; I was able to build an ecological habitat and restructure a cohesive Sense of Self.
—— Supernova ——
A Self who knew to embody and reimagine equity frameworks so that I may simultaneously build Earth.
The role of rest, dreaming, and self-care reinforced and validated the necessity of hospitality and mutual support as community building practice.
Beingness and doingness fused as I learn to care for myself, the soil beneath my Self, and exchange these lessons with others.
My personal and professional growth truly blossomed as I explored my two-fold inquiry.
As I met and vetted other stakeholders in my region, I was able to create and connect safe havens for those in need of physical, mental, emotional, and energetic safety.
This is the way.